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Reliability and Risk Acceptance Criteria for Civil Engineering Structures

Dimitris Diamantidis, Milan Holicky, Miroslav Sykora
Transactions of the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Civil Engineering Series
2016, Volume 16, Issue 2, Pages 1-10
Doi: 10.1515/tvsb-2016-0008
The specification of risk and reliability acceptance criteria is a key issue of reliability verifications of new and existing structures. Current target reliability levels in standards appear to have considerable scatter. Critical review of risk acceptance approaches to societal, economic and environmental risk indicates that an optimal design strategy is mostly dominated by economic aspects while human safety aspects need to be verified only in special cases. It is recommended to specify the target levels considering economic optimisation and the marginal life-saving costs principle, as both these approaches take into account the failure consequences and costs of safety measures.
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