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Design of Experiment Using Simulation of a Discrete Dynamical System

Jan Masek, Petr Frantik, Miroslav Vorechovsky
Transactions of the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Civil Engineering Series
2016, Volume 16, Issue 2, Pages 125-134
Doi: 10.1515/tvsb-2016-0023
The topic of the presented paper is a promising approach to achieve optimal Design of Experiment (DoE), i.e. spreading of points within a design domain, using a simulation of a discrete dynamical system of interacting particles within an n - dimensional design space. The system of mutually repelling particles represents a physical analogy of the Audze - Eglajs (AE) optimization criterion and its periodical modification (PAE), respectively. The paper compares the performance of two approaches to implementation: a single - thread process using the JAVA language environment and a massively parallel solution employing the nVidiaCUDA platform.
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