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Sustainability of Street Space in Built - up Territory in the CASE of Barrier - Free Use

Petra Kocurova, Alzbeta Bilkova
Transactions of the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Civil Engineering Series
2017, Volume 17, Issue 1, Pages 61-68
Doi: 10.1515/tvsb-2017-0008
The street space is perceived as the multi-element dynamic public space. A diverse group of users with the often conflicting requirements is intertwined with it. To ensure the adequate utilization and hence its sustainability, it is essential to predict these claims for the future users in the already designed public spaces. However, in the already built - up area these tools reduce problems and increase the functionality of a limited area. The recovery by the creation of a functionally stable environment (safety, clarity, accessibility, attractiveness) for all user groups in urban settlements and creates a pleasant place to stay, work, live and relax. One of the risky groups with the specific requirements for the use of a public space are the people with limited mobility. This group is often physically or mentally disadvantaged in the comparison to the others. In the solution of a street area we have to deal with structural modifications to ensure an independent movement and orientation, for people with limited mobility or vision. Especially for blind and partially sighted people it is necessary to know and respect the principles and techniques of a spatial orientation. The environment which is created by construction has to produce information in sufficient quantities and quality adequate, so that street space is seen as a collection of various points, lines and characters for visually impaired people who would choose the indicatively important phenomena. The rules of barrier - free use, although legally binding, are in many cases incorrectly applied in practice. Nescience of these principles, their poor application and intensity of spatial orientation in urban environment often leads to disorientation for these users, the feeling of psychological isolation and often to the accidents. The article focuses on solving the existing street space in cities in a relation to the barrier - free use.
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