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Analytical Modelling in Dynamo

Marek Salamak, Marcin Jasinski, Tomasz Plaszczyk, Mateusz Zarski
Transactions of the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Civil Engineering Series
2018, Volume 18, Issue 2, Pages 36-43
Doi: 10.31490/tces-2018-0014
BIM is applied as modern database for civil engineering. Its recent development allows to preserve both structure geometrical and analytical information. The analytical model described in the paper is derived directly from BIM model of a structure automatically but in most cases it requires manual improvements before being sent to FEM software. Dynamo visual programming language was used to handle the analytical data. Authors developed a program which corrects faulty analytical model obtained from BIM geometry, thus providing better automation for preparing FEM model. Program logic is explained and test cases shown.
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