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Results of Seismic Measurement in Tunnels on the Railway Corridor IV

Martin Stolarik
Transactions of the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Civil Engineering Series
2011, Volume 11, Issue 2, Pages 115-124
Doi: 10.2478/v10160-011-0031-x
In the Railway Corridor IV tunnels were realised several unique experimental measurements of blasting operation seismic response. These blasts were performed during tunnels’ driving in frame of the Votice-Benešov u Prahy rail track modernization on the National Railway Corridor IV. seismic experiments were concentrated on vibration effect in near zone, i.e. first tens of meters. Sensors were placed on bottom of tunnel and on the surface. The nearest sensor was located in distance 4.5 m from source of vibrations. This paper presents selected results of experimental measurements and their interpretation, especially relation between distances and maximal velocity amplitudes.
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