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Thermal-Technical Evaluation of Inner Wall Cavities Within Framework of a Suggestion of Wet Masonry Rehabilitation

Jaroslav Solar
Transactions of the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Civil Engineering Series
2012, Volume 12, Issue 1, Pages 29-37
Doi: 10.2478/v10160-012-0007-5
For excessive wet masonry rehabilitation, except for other methods, the method of air cavities is used. These can be wall or floor cavities. The wall cavities may be situated either on the internal or the external side of the wall. From the height point of view, internal side cavities can be located under the floor or above the floor level. This contribution only deals with the cavities above the floor level. In the projection practice, the air cavities usually are designed only empirically. But it is necessary to carry out their thermal-technical evaluation for their correct capacity. The matter of the evaluation is the topic of the following contribution.
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