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Prognostic Considerations About the Physical Availability of Housing in the Regional Projection

Jan Ceselsky, Martin Ferko, Vladimir Koudela
Transactions of the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Civil Engineering Series
2008, Volume 8, Issue 1, Pages 125-144
Doi: Not indexed
The relationship between the physical number of dwellings and their needs, balanced at the level of the state or large territorial units, hides certain methodological difficulties. This lies in the possible (and very probable) differences in the distribution of population and housing in the territory. This aspect has two basic aspects, lower regional and typological. In the past, people lived (lived) where they had a source of livelihood. The residence was largely identical to the workplace. The former close relationship between residence and workplace is loosened so much that the balance is created only at the lower regional level, ie at the level of approximately 180-200 territorial units, elementary regions. In addition to industry, the ever-expanding base of services, whether public (especially education, healthcare) or paid, contributes to this situation today. The distribution of the population at the lower regional level is therefore determined by the volume of job opportunities, at the local level - in individual (rural) settlements or parts of large cities the existing material base of housing and territorial technical conditions (ie the possibility of new construction of flats / houses). In summary, a situation is being formed, which experts call suburbanization (suburban zones and suburban settlements are growing).
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