Article detail

Beauty, Art and Architecture in Creation

Josef Samanek
Transactions of the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Civil Engineering Series
2008, Volume 8, Issue 1, Pages 415-444
Doi: Not indexed
This study is the fist of tree studies about the Beauty, and the Beauty and the Fine–Arts on this article is a simplified summary of long-time work of the author on the mentioned topic. It follows in articles printed in previous Collections of scientific works of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of VSB-Technical University of Ostrava. It comes out of assumption of biological heritage of human need for beauty and existential need of art language for a dialog of a man with emotional and spiritual life. The aim of the author’s considerations is architecture but the ways towards it lead necessarily through other arts. Particular instructions are not mentioned, only proposals to particular solutions are mentioned and the users are given freedom of choice and its options or alternatives. The author builds on modern knowledge of biology and psychoanalyses (S.Freud, C.G.Jung) and his own creative autopsy. His contribution lies in attempt for universal unification of art sources, their art language and their means, although their realization is different. From this point of view the knowledge is usable also for other creative activities (in sciences and technique).
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