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Numerical Analysis of Influence of Axial Force on Resistance of Column Webs in Transverse Compression

Ivan Balazs, Ondrej Pesek, Martin Vild
Transactions of the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Civil Engineering Series
2022, Volume 22, Issue 1, Pages 1-6
Doi: 10.35181/tces-2022-0001
Steel members of double-symmetrical open cross-sections are often used in engineering structures and structures of buildings as columns and beams. Due to connections of the members, transverse compression of the cross-section webs can occur and is subject to structural assessment. The resistance of the column web is influenced by structural solution of the joint (welded, bolted, with end plates) and possible interaction with axial force in the column or shear. The paper focuses on numerical investigation and quantification of the influence of axial force in the column on behaviour and resistance of the column web in transverse compression. The analysis was performed using finite element method based computation system and included both rolled and welded cross-sections with various values of relative slenderness of the web. The results were compared with results of transverse compression resistance calculated using actual standard for design of steel structures.
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