Transactions of the VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Civil Engineering Series

Guide for Authors


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Transfer of Copyright Agreement

Submission of a manuscript indicates a tacit understanding that the paper is not actively under consideration for publication with other journals. Once the paper is accepted, authors are assumed to have transferred the copyright of the paper to the publisher, De Gruyter Open. After submission authors are asked to send as soon as possible the Transfer of Copyright Agreement as scanned document by email to the Managing Editor of the journal. It is authors responsibility to provide the signed document with all correct data regarding the submission (title, all coauthors names, corresponding author's name). The title of the accepted manuscript needs to correspond with the title shown in the Transfer of Copyright Agreement.

The Central European Transactions of the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Civil Engineering Series publishes two issues per year and is devoted to the publication of research results in Civil Engineering. The primary mission of Transactions of the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Civil Engineering Series is to assist Central and Eastern European researchers in communicating their achievements to the global scientific community, nevertheless, contributions from other regions of the world are by no means excluded. The journal is peer-reviewed, in electronic form. The language of the journal is English.

Manuscript submission

Manuscripts preferred for publication in Transactions of the Transactions of the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Civil Engineering Series are those which:

  1. contain original work - which is not published elsewhere in any medium by the authors or anyone else, and is not under consideration for publication in any other medium. This restriction does not apply to review articles
  2. are focused on the core aims and scope of the journal - Transactions of the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Civil Engineering Series is a scientific journal publishing fundamental research results from all fields of Civil Engineering
  3. are clearly and correctly written - should contain all essential features of a complete scientific paper, should be written in a clear, easy to understand manner and be readable for a wide audience of civil engineers
  4. are written in English - should be clearly and grammatically written, in an easily readable style. Attention to detail of the language will avoid severe misunderstandings which might lead to rejection of the paper
  5. are delivered in electronic format

Manuscripts should be submitted via the Editorial Manager – an online submission system. In case of any problems manuscripts can be emailed directly to the Technical Editor of Transactions of the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Civil Engineering Series (Pavel Vlček, e-mail: Authors are requested to suggest persons competent to review their manuscript. However please note that this will be treated only as a suggestion, and the final selection of reviewers is exclusively the Editor's decision. The Editors are fully responsible for decisions about manuscripts. The final decision whether to accept or reject a paper rests with them. The Managing Editor only communicates the final decision, and informs the authors about further processing.

Revised manuscript submission

When revision of a manuscript is requested, authors should return the revised version of their manuscript as soon as possible. Prompt action may ensure fast publication if a paper is finally accepted for publication in Transactions of the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Civil Engineering Series. If it is the first revision of an article authors need to return their revised manuscript within 60 days. If it is the second revision authors need to return their revised manuscript within 14 days. If these deadlines are not met, and no specific arrangements for completion have been made with the Editor, the manuscript will be treated as a new one and will receive a new identification code along with a new registration date.

Final proofreading

Authors will receive a pdf file with the edited version of their manuscript for final proofreading. This is the last opportunity to view an article before its publication on the journal web site. No changes or modifications can be introduced once it is published. Authors are requested to check their proof pages carefully against manuscript within 3 working days and prepare a separate document containing all changes that should be introduced. Authors are sometimes asked to provide additional comments and explanations in response to remarks and queries from the language or technical editors.


If any errors are detected in the published material they should be reported to the Managing Editor. The corresponding authors should send appropriate corrected material to the Managing Editor via email. This material will be considered for publication in the earliest available issue of of the Transactions of the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Civil Engineering Series.