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Effect of Random Axial Curvature of a Thin-walled Beam on Its Load-carrying Capacity

Jan Vales
Transactions of the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Civil Engineering Series
2013, Volume 13, Issue 2, Pages 170-179
Doi: 10.2478/tvsb-2013-0024
The paper deals with the analysis of load-carrying capacity (LCC) of a thin-walled steel beam under compression the axis of which is randomly spatially curved. Open and close thin-walled cross-sections are considered for the beam, respectively. The initial curvature is modelled by a random field. The Latin Hypercube Sampling Method was applied. The load carrying capacity is calculated by geometrically nonlinear solution using ANSYS software. The results are presented both in histograms and in a table. The LCC statistical characteristics of beams with open and closed cross-sections have been compared. A comparison with the LCC according to the standards is carried out as well.
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