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Engineering-geological Conditions of Landslide in the Ostrava-Karvina Coalfield

Marian Marschalko, Libuse Hofrichterova, Lubomir Treslin
Transactions of the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Civil Engineering Series
2008, Volume 8, Issue 1, Pages 393-404
Doi: Not indexed
The paper deals with a slope deformation Staric (sequence number 2) in the Frydek Mistek district in the north-east of the Czech Republic. It makes part of a wider three-year study, which comprises 6 localities of slope movements in total (sequence numbers 1 to 6) in the Ostrava-Karvina District, in case of which there is a potential precondition for changes in stability due to undermining. In the first phase, archive materials, basic data, aerial photographs of slope deformation were studied and evaluated. Subsequently, engineering-geological mapping were performed, on the basis of which all landslide manifestations, such as starting scar, cracks, layer outcrops, hydrogeological structures etc. were recorded. After this phase, resistivity tomography measurements (geophysical method of multielectrode resistivity measurement) were taken. The mentioned methodology was applied in the interest area for the first time.
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